Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Movie Review The Circle By David Eggers - 1444 Words

In a world that is overruled by power, love, and technology, both the book The Circle, by David Eggers, and the film Ex Machina, directed by Alex Garland, expand upon this idea. Filled with strange moments and unpredictable behavior, both the book and film put the audience into shock. The Circle is based on a young woman named Mae who has recently been hired to work for the company the Circle; One of the most powerful technological company’s in the world. Mae is brain washed by the company and goes to extreme measures to show her worth, which leads to shocking moments. The film Ex Machina is based on a human created AI (Artificial Intelligence) named Ava that is put under trial by interacting with another person to see how it interacts in one-on-one situations. Nathan, the creator of Ava, has invited Caleb to interact with Ava in hopes of her being the perfect robot after multiple sessions. Everything seems to be going normal, but things go in a different direction and leave t he audience with their jaws hanging. Although they have completely different story lines, both the book and film share various themes. Becoming something bigger than you truly are: A theme that appears within the book and the film. The theme appears in a scene in Ex Machina. Sitting in a room, Caleb is looking over a non-disclosure form that Nathan hands him. As Caleb reads it over, he comes across many policies restricting him from posting or sharing any information through written or electronicShow MoreRelatedAccounting Information System Chapter 1137115 Words   |  549 Pagessuch as a description of the companys pension plan and the employee stock incentive plan. This gives employees a base from which to compare their benefits program to those of other companies. Annual reports also provide employees with a year-end review of the results to which they have contributed during the year. In this sense, the annual report provides reinforcement and rewards. The annual report also informs or reminds employees of the organizations values and objectives and sensitizes them

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