Monday, December 30, 2019

Final Research Project Oracle E Business Suite Essay

Final Research Project – Oracle E-Business Suite Wassim Chao Content Introduction 2 E-Business Suite Architecture 3 Chronical Development of E-Business Suites 6 Integration needs it addressed as it was developed 6 Responding to new integration trends and technologies 7 Oracle’s E-Business integrated with SOA Gateway 8 Oracle’s E-Business Suite on the Cloud 9 Conclusion 10 References 10 Introduction Reading through the requirement of this paper there were several options to choose from. There are several companies that offer integration to their customers such as SAP which is the leader in ERP solutions, Oracle which came to the industry after acquiring PeopleSoft back in 2005, Microsoft, and IBM. Reading the materials throughout this semester was interesting as it gave me an inside view of system integration and it made me think of the architecture of how companies integrate their system or the high level thought of how things are done when big companies acquire other companies. Researching all these four big companies, I found that Oracle had a lot of products that integrate systems and it seems they have a solution for a lot of major industry with pre-defined modules that help jump start the integration process. Everyone knows oracle as it’s a global computer technology company. The company primary specializes in developing and marketing computer hardware systems. The company also builds and develops databases and database products. , middle tierShow MoreRelatedDetermining The Efficient Tool For Business Process Management1536 Words   |  7 PagesTool for Business Process Management in Organizations Using Analytical Hierarchical Process Sravani Vadali Engineering Management University of Houston – Clear Lakeâ€Æ' Introduction to Business Process Management Business process management (BPM) is a management approach to make an enterprise’s activities and tasks to be more accurate, more competent and more efficient in adapting to the ever-changing needs of business. 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Sunday, December 22, 2019

Outliers - 1030 Words

Elda Espinoza May 9, 2016 Sociology 101 Outliers By Malcolm Gladwell The Outliers, by Malcolm Gladwell attempts to explain the reasons why people become successful in both controlled and uncontrolled environment. He uses different stories and studies to explain what makes a person who there are. For example, in chapter one Gladwell says that successful hockey players if born early in the calendar year this will make them stand out physically among other boys who are several months younger than they are. Gladwell says that over time, the opportunities that these players have has help them build up to make them better players. So, Gladwell uses a sociological perspective to try to explain the reasons for peoples success.†¦show more content†¦When we look at outliers, when we look at success stories, if we look closely enough, we see lives with opportunity from the start. To illustrate the importance of culture in success, Gladwell relates a story of a Colombian pilot who most likely crashed a plane because, even with diminishing fuel, he wa snt assertive enough to stand up to the intimidating control tower agents and demand to land. Cultures that encourage passive submission to hierarchy, or who phrase their questions in subtle, vague euphemisms, may find themselves at a disadvantage in some situations, such as the airplane cockpit. Other times, your culture works for you. For example, Gladwell explains that Asians who spent centuries working in rice paddies, a type of farming that requires meticulous care all year long, passed on this work ethic to their posterity. Many of the inheritors of the rice-paddy culture apply the same diligence in their schoolwork. This diligence, of course, brings more success. I found this book to be an eye opener to many things that I never really paid attitude to. We all want to believe that where we come from and who we are does not affect what we will be come. Yes all have heard it before you can be what you want to be as long as you work hard for it. But really many things that people would like to be are out of reached for the simple fact that you are not in the right class of people. Even thoughtShow MoreRelatedOutliers, By Malcolm Gladwell1431 Words   |  6 PagesOutliers, written by Malcolm Gladwell, examines the wonder of high achievement, and success frequently attributed to the hard work, determination, and specific talent in individuals. Gladwell succeeds at analyzing judgments and cultural epidemics, while putting his thesis into view, and explaining his proof through a series of short, exemplifying accounts. Stressing the fact that hard work is a crucial factor in becoming successful, Gladwell does not deduct the need for discrete skills. Factors suchRead MoreOutliers Essay1630 Words   |  7 PagesOutliers Essay An Outlier is someone who stands out in a group due to their mastery of a certain skill and because of that they are successful. According to Gladwell not anyone can become successful; it takes the right circumstances and opportunities. Human’s capability seems limitless, and if we put in the time and hard work we can achieve our goals. We as a society love to think that a person may become successful and that we all have the same opportunities and chance of succeeding if weRead MoreOutliers, By Malcolm Gladwell1245 Words   |  5 Pagesand many other multi-millionaires were all born within a span of 3 years? Malcolm Gladwell, the author of Outliers, suspects that there is something more behind this occurrence than just a simple coincidence. He asserts that there is no such thing as a self-made man and success does not come from natural talent, rather it comes from extraordinary opportunities and hidden advantages. In Outliers, Gladwell attempts to debunk the myth that peo ple are successful because of themselves, and not because ofRead MoreOutliers : By Malcolm Gladwell1917 Words   |  8 Pages Malcolm Gladwell wrote the book titled Outliers to show the world how unique people got their start and all of the factors and obstacles it takes to succeed in life. Every chapter of this book contains a different success story. At the beginning of each new section, Malcolm describes where each story is taking place and who will be involved. An example of this unique imagery includes the start of the chapter titled, â€Å"The Ethnic Theory of Plane Crashes,† when Malcolm Gladwell described the settingRead MoreEssay on Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell1853 Words   |  8 PagesExecutive Summary The novel Outliers, aims to investigate the very thing we want for our family, our students, and ourselves. For most of our lives we have believed that with hard work, anyone can achieve success. That had to be the reason that poor immigrants like Andrew Carnegie and college dropouts like Bill Gates achieved unimaginable wealth. Most of us were taught that working harder than anyone else would lead to ultimate success. While the author, Malcolm Gladwell, does not disputeRead MoreRhetorical Analysis on Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell571 Words   |  3 PagesIn Malcolm Gladwell’s book Outliers, he defines an outlier as someone who does something out of the ordinary or differently. The author is very credible and has a few awards for writing, â€Å"Outliers.† We should listen to Gladwell because some of his information is knowledgeable and can help with everyday life. His purpose is to teach us about the many rules that are being described in the book. The main intended audience would have to be the world and how he displays his values to millions of peopleRead MoreThe Book Outliers The Story Of Success By Joe Flom851 Words   |  4 PagesThe story of Joe Flom incorporates many aspects of the first half of the book Outliers The Story of Success. Malcolm Gladwell uses comparisons of other families with similarities of Flom’s story to demonstrate why he is successful. The story o f Flom not only has what the previous chapters present but also some new concepts. At the beginning of the chapter Gladwell tells the reader about Flom’s success and then jumps backwards to explain how it occurred. He also explains why some people thrive whileRead MoreWhy We Should Be Diligent About Checking For Our Outliers2421 Words   |  10 PagesAn outlier is an observation that lies an abnormal distance from other values in random sample from a population. Outliers are data values that are differ greatly from a majority of a set of data. The value that falls outside of an overall trend that a present in the data. Sometimes outliers can be caused by an error and other times outliers indicate the presence of a previously unknown phenomenon. Other reasons that we should feel the need to be diligent about checking for our outliers is becauseRead MoreWhy Are Do Underdogs Win in Malcolm Gladwells Blink and Outliers904 Words   |  4 PagesHistory has it that the underdogs o f our society are ought to win due to their disadvantages. In David and Goliath, Malcolm Gladwell (the author of Blink and Outliers) explores why the disadvantaged misfits were able to win their greatest opposing giants. Gladwell initiates his discovery with the Biblical story of David, an Israeli shepherd boy, who killed Goliath with a slingshot. He explains how the chances of the underdogs increase when they fight unconventionally. In our society, our advantagesRead MoreSuccess And Success : Malcolm Gladwell s Outliers : The Story Of Success1843 Words   |  8 Pagesalmost imminent result of talent, effort, and hard work. Liberals, on the other hand, believe that even when people who work hard and are talented could sometimes fall when hard times are presented and associate that with luck. Malcolm Gladwell’s Outliers: The Story of Success, argues that factors and circumstances are those that will determine the person’s success rather than then hard work and effort. Many people would disagree with Malcolm Gladwell. The way that Gladwell portrays luck throughout

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Successful Athlete Essay Free Essays

Vince Lombardi says â€Å"the monetary value of success is difficult work. dedication to the occupation at manus and the finding that whether we win or lost we have applied the best of ourselves to the undertaking at manus. † A dedicated jock puts forth their all by to the full giving themselves to their athletics. We will write a custom essay sample on Successful Athlete Essay or any similar topic only for you Order Now They ever try to give one hundred and ten per centum before during and after pattern. Athlete achieves their success cognizing they worked difficult to achieve it and can truly state they accomplished something that makes them a better individual. For case hoops esthesis LeBron James keeps endeavoring to better. Branded the following Michael Jordan when he was in high school and drafted by the Cleveland chevaliers LeBron James kept his cool and kept working hard. He emerged an all-star and leader the chevaliers to the NBA playoffs three old ages in a row and made it to the NBA finals in 2007 against the San Antonio goad. However the chevaliers lost their title command in four back-to-back games. James continued to assist the chevaliers improve in 2008 the squad made it to the semifinals where they defeated by the Boston Celtics in seven games. Fighting for an NBA title. shortly after going a free agent. nevertheless James announced that he would be fall ining the Miami heat. Many of his fans consider hid going a treachery to his hometown. James finishes 2nd in the conference during his first season with the heat. The 2011-2012 seasons besides saw major success for James and the Miami heat. Wining his first NBA title get the better ofing the Oklahoma City boom. Throughout his NBA calling. LeBron James has been considered one of the best participant in the conference. and has been compared to basketball great Michael Jordan. How to cite Successful Athlete Essay, Essay examples

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Ron Clark free essay sample

Ron Clark a young white, energetic, and idealistic teacher leaves his small North Carolina school to teach in a New York inner city elementary school, where he takes on the most unruly 6th grade class at Inner Harlem Elementary school. Mr. Clark believed he could turn the class around with innovative teaching techniques and a set of what he calls his essential rules. Clark quickly learns that he isnt going to be able to Just walk into the classroom, command attention with his smile and a set of rules; the first rule being We are family when none of the students in his class look ike him, or talk like him. In order to know how to reach them Mr. Clark must first understand his students individually and collectively. According to Covey (2003) before people feel that you understand them, they will not be open to your influence; we must walk a mile in the other persons shoes which is exactly what Ron Clark does. The character traits exemplified by Ron Clark in The Ron Clark Story (Haines 2006) are determination, integrity, optimism, courage, trustworthiness, humility, and a sense of humor. It was with a courageous heart and undying determination that Ron Clark was able to really understand how his students lived and felt every day. His lessons did not stop after the bell rang, in fact that was when many of the most valuable lessons began. Clark offered to make dinner for three siblings of one of his students just so that she could do her homework while her mom held down two Jobs. He ventured into dangerous neighborhoods to help another student choose to take the right path in life. In order to communicate at their level and to make learning fun Clark created and performed a presidential rap song to help the students memorize every president in order, and their historical contribution. Clark eventually gains the respect of his students and when they know how much he cares, they accept and live within the essential rules, and accept the consequences when a rule is broken. Covey states consistent rules, expectations and consequences should be understood and enforced, and indicates we act unkindly when we shield people from consequences of their own behavior (2003). One day Clark passes out in the classroom suffering rom pneumonia and when the doctor prescribes bed rest he continues teaching by sending videotaped lessons for the principal to play. By doing this Clark not only kept his promise to teach them, he also taught his students to be creative and to think outside of the box, along with reinforcing his devotion to their learning. There were several issues or dilemmas Mr. Clark had to deal with, but the one I chose to present is the day Mr. Clark lost control and gave up. Shameika Wallace the ringleader and the smartest girl in the class, made it her mission to get rid of Mr. Clark like several other teachers before him. One day Mr. Clark seriously lost his patience with Shameika, and expressed his anger, by violently shaking Shameikas desk, then he grabbed his backpack, said you win and he left the school without notifying anyone. At that moment Clark not only lost his patience, he also lost control, and gave up. All of the students were stunned, they had never seen or heard Mr. s The way Clark dealt witn the situation is what Covey calls tight or flight. Covey states there are many forms of flight, such as escaping involvement and esponsibility like many of the students in the class did, or like Shameikas sulking. Later that day a friend helped Clark to see that the helplessness he experienced at that moment with Shameika was what his students experience every day. This was an aha moment and Clark utilized this new found empathy as a teaching moment. With the fires refueled and his own code of ethics back in check, he was back in the classroom the following Monday with a fun grammar exercise. Students had to find the verb in the sentence Mr. Clark is a boomerang while every 15 seconds an ssigned student clanged the candy Jar for Mr. Clark to chug down a h pint of chocolate milk. One of the students asked another what a boomerang was. He made the lesson fun, and interactive. The lesson was relevant, students were engaged, they were motivated, and inspired but most of all they were glad he was back, which was the moment of full acceptance and commitment to rule number 1 we are family. Like the 6 or 7 teachers before him Mr. Clark experienced a sense of futility and had a lapse of Judgment when he threw his hands up and walked out on the kids, but his wn values of integrity, maturity and abundance mentality ultimately guided his decision to go back into the classroom. Had I experienced the same thing, I probably would have sent Shameika to the principals office and tried to gain control of the class. As teachers and leaders we have a moral responsibility to the students, and when they are unruly it is better for them if we let natural consequences teach responsible behavior. (Covey P. 128). Covey states that people may not like the consequences but we should care enough or them to suffer their displeasure. (P. 128). If however, I lost control and acted out in aggression the way Clark did, I would not have left the class without at least letting the principal know. Even if I felt that the only course of action left was to walk away from the situation, I still have an obligation and moral responsibility not to leave the minor children in my charge alone without telling another adult at the school, especially after an emotionally charged event. Covey states emotional maturity is the balance between courage and consideration. It is a delicate balance to maintain, and when he got his mojo back Ron Clark led his 6th graders to champion their test scores.