Sunday, August 23, 2020

Free Essays on No Power

â€Å"No Power!† was the cry which sounded all through the house on an early February morning. The prior night freezing precipitation had consistently fell down the housetops, freezing everything in its way. The force blackouts started early that next morning and arrived at the house not long after the chicken crowed. From the outset, the family observed only the detriments and the burdens which would be brought about by the loss of power, however following a couple of hours they started to see a portion of the advantages. It was still genuinely promptly toward the beginning of the day when the family found the absence of intensity. There was continued bungling with light switches and other electrical gadgets which had become a piece of their regular day to day existences. The supplier of the family was as yet compelled to overcome the tricky streets that morning and left the three outstanding individuals from the family to fight for themselves at home. Together these three started to list everything that they were currently unfit to do. They couldn't stare at the TV, play on the PC, play computer games, dry their hair, utilize the oven, heat in the stove, turn on the dishwasher, wash garments, or even open the cooler for dread that the virus air would get away and fate their food to malodor. The three even settled on a choice that each time somebody attempted to turn on a light, they should shout out â€Å"Damn it!† Throughout the day most of the light switches in this family’s house wer e sentenced to damnation. In spite of the fact that, this helped to help their state of mind, it didn't change the way that they couldn't do what they needed to do the most. After some time, when perusing turned out to be excessively exhausting and pacing turned out to be excessively tiring, the three relatives concluded that they should accomplish something in case they go crazy from weariness. The most youthful of the three elected to run and bring the Monopoly board and was promptly replied with moans of scorn. She answered with, â€Å"Well, what else are we going to do?† Although she was for sure young,... Free Essays on No Power Free Essays on No Power â€Å"No Power!† was the cry which sounded all through the house on an early February morning. The prior night freezing precipitation had consistently fell down the housetops, freezing everything in its way. The force blackouts started early that next morning and arrived at the house not long after the rooster crowed. From the outset, the family observed only the drawbacks and the burdens which would be brought about by the loss of power, yet following a couple of hours they started to see a portion of the advantages. It was still genuinely promptly toward the beginning of the day when the family found the absence of intensity. There was continued bobbling with light switches and other electrical gadgets which had become a piece of their regular day to day existences. The supplier of the family was as yet compelled to overcome the deceptive streets that morning and left the three residual individuals from the family to battle for themselves at home. Together these three started to list everything that they were currently incapable to do. They couldn't sit in front of the TV, play on the PC, play computer games, dry their hair, utilize the oven, prepare in the broiler, turn on the dishwasher, wash garments, or even open the fridge for dread that the virus air would get away and fate their food to malodor. The three even settled on a choice that each time somebody attempted to turn on a light, they should holler out â€Å"Damn it!† Throughout the day most of the light switches in this familyà ¢â‚¬â„¢s house were sentenced to damnation. Despite the fact that, this helped to help their state of mind, it didn't change the way that they couldn't do what they needed to do the most. After some time, when perusing turned out to be excessively exhausting and pacing turned out to be excessively tiring, the three relatives concluded that they should accomplish something in case they go crazy from weariness. The most youthful of the three elected to run and bring the Monopoly board and was promptly replied with moans of scorn. She answered with, â€Å"Well, what else are we going to do?† Although she was in fact young,...

Friday, August 21, 2020

Time Conflict Between Work and Family Free Essays

string(55) of employment fulfillment alongside work/family conflicts. The connection between the individual and work and family has changed significantly throughout the years. Employments and families both interest huge duties of time and vitality, particularly during top long stretches of family arrangement and profession development. Today, occupations normally devour 33% of a person†s day. We will compose a custom article test on Time Conflict Between Work and Family or on the other hand any comparative point just for you Request Now Americans put more hours in grinding away to help their families, making more worry at home, which brings about a work/family strife, driving guardians into really looking for additional time spent at work to get away from these weights and pressures in the home. Shuffling work and family life, especially unfortunate household tasks, childcare and the expanding vulnerabilities and weights of home life, are a couple of explanations behind this fight for time spent among work and family. More exertion and time is likewise placed into work to accomplish more prominent self-rule and employment fulfillment in the work environment. This upward portability hard working attitude is the core of the American Dream. This work/family strife and the requirement for work fulfillment/self-sufficiency in America is therefore filled by this quick and irate pace of achieving the American Dream. These are a portion of the issues that are plainly delineated in the books Rivethead by Ben Hamper and The Time Bind by Arlie Russell Hochschild. Less time invested at home and more energy spent at work makes an endless loop that is consuming our home lives. These inclinations have become patterns of a whole age that might be setting more an incentive on business related accomplishments than on the essential sustaining encounters of family life. The issues of family/work strife and independence/work fulfillment are significant issues in the human science of work today due to the constant social and financial changes that happen in our general public and impact the government assistance of American specialists and their families. The Time Bind: When Work Becomes Home becomes Work by Arile Russell Hochschild explores the work/family strife. Hochschild burned through three summers doing handle inquire about at an organization distinguished uniquely as a Fortune 500 firm that Hochschild renames Amerco, which had additionally been credited on a few distinct studies as being one of America†s 10 most â€Å"family-friendly† companies. Hochschild look into comprises of meeting all representatives in the organization from the top officials to assembly line laborers by watched working guardians and their youngsters all through their wild days. She finished six families an entire day and a lot of a night, and sat on the edge of Amerco†s parking area to see when individuals began work and when they left. This investigation brings up upsetting issues about the effect of time on contemporary lives. The extreme requests of work make worries at home on the grounds that there is inadequate time to do everything. This is particularly hard on ladies who endure the worst part of housekeeping tasks, and on youngsters, whose passionate needs require time with guardians. With the exception of some more established men, the individuals Hochschild interviews know about and worried about the ramifications of this ‘time bind†. What is astonishing, subsequently, is their inability to take on decreased outstanding tasks at hand, strategic scheduling, and different parts of the company†s exertion to assist representatives with adjusting the requests of work and home. While supporting the presence of these arrangements, just a couple of workers exploit them. Fears about professional stability and professional successes are available, obviously, however numerous representatives were uninterested in such alternatives since they saw work, not home, as the not so much unpleasant but rather more sincerely satisfying condition. With the representatives family†s near the precarious edge of fiasco and guardians feeling unendingly crazy of their children†s lives and their own, the workplace or industrial facility floor winds up giving a feeling of achievement, satisfaction, fellowship and by and large employment fulfillment to these laborers. Lamentably, subsequent to revealing this amazing inversion of standard desires, Hochschild covers it by essentially expecting it is an enthusiasm. By getting away from the home by going to work mirrors a dynamic with costs, however it additionally proposes a need to reevaluate basic originations of what establishes a delightful life. Hochschild†s arrangement is a â€Å"time movement,† and sorted out grassroots development that would get women's activists together with work activists, experts with the assembly line laborers, men with ladies. Hochschild recommends that the alliance start by pushing organizations to decide on merit rather then time spent at work, to move to a 35-hour work week and to give laborers in all cases more prominent professional stability would start to make a superior family and work balance for its representatives. Rivethead, by Ben Hamper, is Hamper†s portrayal of his vocation as a General Motors assembly line laborer in Flint, Michigan. A fourth era â€Å"shoprat†, Hamper clarifies how a flippant dad, various kin, and his own propensity for apathy, medications, and drinking pointed straightforwardly to a future in the production line, in spite of his tendencies toward verse and music. This book is a brief look into the life on the General Motors vehicle and truck mechanical production system, demonstrating the lived encounters of individuals that have now become straightforward voices in standard American culture. In 1977 he hesitantly started working in the taxi shop at GM. Going from his experience to his retirement ten years after the fact, Hamper composes of the dreary manual work of industrial facility work in an extremely dim funniness way. Hamper portrays his processing plant work as tedious, loaded up with rehashed cutbacks and call-backs. Hamper and associates take an interest in broad day by day hands on liquor and medication utilization in endeavors to breathe easy of their brain desensitizing, tedious nature of work. Hamper is insightfully condemning of American business the board, practice, and qualities all through the book, and nearsightedly discovers minimal worth or respectability in his kindred specialists as in himself. The absence of want to ascend the vocation stepping stool, in any event, discovering approaches to keep away from work by and large, is very predominant all through the book as he tries to satisfy nobody, not in any case himself, despite the fact that he prevails past even his desires. The significant issues in Rivethead that are at fault for this sort of laborer conduct is the absence of employment fulfillment alongside work/family clashes. You read Time Conflict Between Work and Family in classification Paper models Besides Hamper†s journey to go bowling with GM director Roger Smith, Hamper is continually showing a requirement for a simpler and all the more remunerating activity. Different issues not identified with genuine employment obligations influence laborer work fulfillment also, for example, the longing to all the more easily consolidate work and life. The work/family struggle is seen through the time limitations that restrain him and other assembly line laborers from investing energy with family. These time imperatives make included worry at home top of the current issues that cause for a broken family. These anxieties push guardians/mates into getting away from these home ridden pressures by working longer hours in the production line. The less time invested at home and more energy spent at work makes an endless loop that is destroying every single American family. The two significant issues of work that I will examine from a sociological point of view are the work/family struggle and self-governance/work fulfillment. In The Time Sticky situation and Rivethead, the issue of occupation fulfillment is seen through Hochschild†s and Hamper†s delineation of the need levels of the employees† employments and their families as found in their lives. Stuck The Time Imbroglio, Hochschild†s test was little and every one of her subjects worked for a similar organization, she found that the two moms and fathers were picking work over home. The couples she watched normally decided not to exploit the company†s strategies with respect to family or individual time, and they had come to discover the working environment more encouraging than the pressures of home and family. There is an awful absence of help for families in the working environment all in all, and work is seen as more charming than home on the grounds that in any event grinding away guardians are bolstered and know when they are making the best choice or an inappropriate thing rather than home. Despite the fact that the activity fulfillment factor changes between levels of duty, the achievements felt in the working environment versus the house is very enormous. In Rivethead, the issue of employment fulfillment as portrayed by Hamper is seen through the impacts if shiftwork on the assembly line laborers families and public activities. Tormented by consistent fatigue and fixated on not getting enough rest, assembly line laborers experience the ill effects of elevated levels of touchiness, state of mind swings, and stress. These make inconveniences in family connections. Assembly line laborers regularly work extended periods of time and either comply with their family†s schedule, or follow their very own everyday practice, else they are compelled to live somewhat, free of their families as in Rivethead. The working conditions in manufacturing plants assume a huge job in the absence of employment fulfillment, â€Å"†¦ hen somebody buckles down the entire day in a smoky chamber loaded with slop, clamor, armpits, brew breath, stogie butts, psychos, hyper depressives, oil pits, banana stickers, venom and colossal following kitty cats†¦. â€Å", (Hamper:116). These work conditions are very upsetting and insensitive to the government assistance of the laborer. The steady requirement for work fulfillment and sentiments of achievement and self-governance is very apparent all through the book. â€Å"There were such a large number of us shoprats that we were all simply part of some nondescript heard. â€Å", (Hamper:40). Since work fulfillment varies between levels of work and obligation, other contributing elements, for example, work and family strife, can influence work satisfac

Thursday, August 13, 2020

Quide on Writing an Essay - A Comprehensive Guide to Efficient Essay Writing

<h1>Quide on Writing an Essay - A Comprehensive Guide to Efficient Essay Writing</h1><p>If you are the kind of understudy who is consistently anxious to learn new things, at that point Quide on Writing an Essay ought to be your first book. The subjects shrouded in this book will assist you with acing the specialty of paper composing and ought to likewise set you up for composing the better article that will put you on the class.</p><p></p><p>The arrangement of this book will permit you to see how to structure your own expositions. You will learn methods that will assist you with creating an intelligible story that will get the peruser and make the person in question need to peruse on. You will likewise gain proficiency with the mechanics of making drawing in headlines.</p><p></p><p>The points remembered for this book will assist you with building an amazing establishment for composing individual papers. As you progress in the class, the subjects in this book will turn out to be progressively intricate and will expect you to see increasingly about the point. Subsequently, it is essential for you to examine the fundamentals in this book and increase the important information expected to start considering the propelled subjects of writing.</p><p></p><p>The sections in this book give understanding to the parts of individual expositions. This incorporates statistical data points, models, contentions, exchange, and account. These parts thus expect you to break down and use them with the goal that you can compose the best article that will make you stand apart over the rest.</p><p></p><p>Because the points in Quide on Writing an Essay are not that notable among understudies, it is significant for you to go on the web and read surveys of the books on Amazon. At the point when you experience the audits, you will discover numerous individuals whining about th e substance of the book. To abstain from being baffled, it is best for you to experience the book in any event multiple times before you start to utilize it in your studies.</p><p></p><p>Many have experienced a similar disappointment a few times and have surrendered before they could completely see all the ideas being educated. At the end of the day, you will have the option to spare yourself from being baffled by ensuring that you read the book a few times. Toward the day's end, that is the main way you will gain proficiency with the things that are important to prevail in your scholastic career.</p><p></p><p>The exposition you composed can be utilized to assess whether the subjects that you concentrated in Quide on Writing an Essay will give you the outcomes that you anticipate. At the point when this occurs, you will have the option to utilize the material to deal with your last article and thusly, your prosperity will work out as e xpected. In the event that the themes remembered for the book are not helpful, you will wind up continueing your examinations in another book instead.</p><p></p><p>Most understudies who are keen on turning out to be article essayists will in general do well with one subject however when they attempt to have some expertise in various points, they will in general get debilitated and unfit to do all the better they can do. This is the reason it is prescribed for you to pick one of the points and stick with it all through your school career.</p>

Friday, July 31, 2020

Essay For Sale Online - How to Get Started

<h1>Essay For Sale Online - How to Get Started</h1><p>The first thing you need to do to locate the best paper available to be purchased online is to have an away from of what you are searching for. It tends to be a paper regarding any matter, yet the primary concern is to advance your administrations or items. By making these strides, you will be headed to an effective exposition for sale.</p><p></p><p>The first thing you have to do is to figure out how to compose a decent paper and great sentence structure. In spite of the fact that the language in the article is significant, it doesn't imply that it is the main thing that you have to concentrate on. Remember that it is just a device that will assist you with standing apart from the crowd.</p><p></p><p>You need to gain proficiency with the nuts and bolts of English composition, and working on composing has a great deal to do with this. The more agreeable you are writi ng in English, the simpler it will be to compose an exposition in your local language. On the off chance that you have no clue about the English language, you might need to take a stab at utilizing Google Translate to check on the off chance that you get the outcome that you anticipated. That will enable you to realize what is written in various dialects with the goal that you can more readily comprehend what is written in your own language.</p><p></p><p>The following stage recorded as a hard copy your article is to rehearse. Compose whatever number articles as you can to become accustomed to composing the same number of various sorts of papers as could reasonably be expected. Compose a few distinct kinds of articles and break down which ones you can exceed expectations at. You can likewise debate for the sake of debating when composing and supposition the focuses where you committed errors. At exactly that point would you be able to perceive how you can impr ove your writing.</p><p></p><p>Online administrations make composing simple since you can pick a subject and afterward have numerous examples to glance through. This will permit you to recognize the themes that you will experience issues composing on. It is critical to realize that in the event that you need to compose an article available to be purchased on the web, it isn't sufficient to comprehend what the point is. You have to have enough thoughts regarding how to compose such a paper.</p><p></p><p>Many online administrations will give you tips on the most proficient method to improve your article with the goal that you can sell it. You can likewise look into tips and deceives for how to compose expositions on the web and use them. In the wake of checking on your article, you will see that there are sure things that you have to improve. For instance, you may have composed a couple of sentences which are excessively long. By improvi ng the length of your articles, you will improve the nature of your paper and sell it.</p><p></p><p>Finally, you will need to present your exposition to online administrations. You can do this either without anyone else or by having a supervisor modify your article. Having a supervisor to compose the article is a progressively proficient methodology since they are a piece of the business, and you will get results a lot faster than you would in the event that you presented your paper with your own composing skills.</p>

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

AP Language Essay Topics - How to Write an Amazing Essay

<h1>AP Language Essay Topics - How to Write an Amazing Essay</h1><p>AP Language Essay subjects is a general conversation where the understudy will talk about the language of his folks. The subjects in the exposition will be founded on the point zone that he picks. In such a circumstance, it will be dependent upon the understudy to pick the theme. It might be the most significant theme that he needs to take in thought, so the understudy should pick the point carefully.</p><p></p><p>When picking the subjects for AP Language Essay points, the understudy must recall that the subjects must be identified with the school subjects. For instance, the AP English subject covers the composed and communicated in English just as their applicable language regions. There are other significant points that the understudy can decide to expound on. For instance, he can cover the historical backdrop of the nation, just as the life of its driving personages, the l anguage that individuals use as the fundamental correspondence medium, the historical backdrop of the city just as the significant occasions that have occurred there. In this way, every one of these points can be valuable and productive for his AP English subject.</p><p></p><p>AP Language Essay themes must contain questions that will be replied by the understudy in the paper. The understudy will be posed inquiries that identify with the theme. The inquiries will be gathered into two distinctive categories.</p><p></p><p>First one is identified with explicit inquiries that should be replied by the understudy. These inquiries identify with the class structure and how he is going to concentrate on his picked subjects. These inquiries may incorporate whether he ought to enlist regarding the matter, regardless of whether he should take the AP courses or not, what educational plan he ought to follow in the subjects that he is going to take, a nd how he ought to pick the correct reading material for the course. Other explicit inquiries that may should be replied by the understudy incorporate the selection of books and their details.</p><p></p><p>The second classification is the most troublesome inquiry that the understudy will confront inthe article. This class incorporates the most troublesome inquiry of the understudy himself. The understudy will be asked how he will get by in the AP school level classes. He will be solicited to legitimize his decision from choosing AP courses. This is the most pivotal issue which each understudy ought to contemplate over before he begins composing the essay.</p><p></p><p>AP Language Essay points are unquestionably valuable for all understudies on the off chance that they follow a couple of basic advances. On the off chance that he follows these means accurately, at that point the understudy will unquestionably have the option to compose a n astonishing and savvy essay.</p><p></p><p>One of the most widely recognized missteps that understudies make while composing their articles is to disparage the measure of time they should compose the exposition. Prior to beginning to compose the exposition, the understudy should attempt to recognize what the themes that he is going to cover, what sort of material he needs to concentrate and how he can do his examinations in a precise way. Likewise, he should realize the contrast between examine papers and papers. He ought to be secure with what to write in the paper before composing it.</p>

Wednesday, July 8, 2020

The Ultimate Strategy to Cuny Essay Samples

<h1> The Ultimate Strategy to Cuny Essay Samples </h1> <h2> Cuny Essay Samples Ideas </h2> <p>For occurrence, the cost of an enticing exposition will vary from a proposition article. While the article should be exuberant, is anything but an exploratory writing exercise. For instance, research paper themes for thesis composing should be founded on research. Advantages of Online exposition Writing Services Essay composing is an aggressive assignment for most of the understudies today. </p> <p>The composing doesn't need to be intricate. Secondary school papers are organized also whatever the theme and incredible article structure will let you form a completely clear exposition that streams from 1 section to the following. You may find these at most book shops and at your close by library. </p> <p>Preparing to take the GED can be a staggering encounter on the off chance that you aren't appropriately prepared for the test. It isn't generally that understudies need to buy grant papers. Secondary school understudies must create articles on various points which from the outset may seem to share nothing for all intents and purpose. </p> <h2>The Demise of Cuny Essay Samples </h2> <p>This connection is known as a supercluster. These inquiries shift. There are a couple of themes which are completely concealed and understudies discover trouble in finding the ideal course and technique for data assortment. It is pivotal to address capable authorities who can furnish you master help with any kind of composing ventures. </p> <h2>Get the Scoop on Cuny Essay Samples Before You're Too Late </h2> <p>For model, the author should initially do some straightforward examination before concocting research paper themes. Proficient scholars are very much prepared and have a lot of understanding so can concoct a couple of the best work. An exposition essayist can empower a great deal in the occasion the teacher expects you to deliver research paper subjects before beginning the whole practice. Being a specialized essayist can demonstrate a lot of things dependent on the business, the group and the prerequisites of the endeavor. </p> <p>Let's have a look at its points of interest and hindrances. You start with posing an inquiry, which is an incredible method to begin. The meeting methodology and the inquiries posed during the meeting may shift contingent upon the job and the questioner. In this way, for instance, there's a truly astounding chain of posts by Nick Sherman about delivering another textual style group. </p> <p>you must completion this word tally in any case. In that example, you won't be considered a beginner, however as a specialist online essayist. In such a circumstance, it does not merit delaying about what activities. It isn't generally basic for a person to communicate recorded as a hard copy. </p> <p>They should evaluate the reasonableness of this point before allowing you to proceed. Assess their reactions should breeze through the ged assessment, and the best approach to form your all-inclusive. At the point when you've sent it, watch for the business' criticism. Most bosses will likewise might want you to form an example article. </p> <p>It's conceivable to survey an organization dependent on the gauge of the examination paper points composed. Indeed, even proficient journalists are made to form tests (for which they probably won't be paid) for the direct explanation that each task has various prerequisites. Obviously, this report should be of an awesome quality, since this is the central factor for those businesses in choosing you. Furthermore, ensure that you include numerous fantastic top notch pictures since they give convincing stylish to your perusers. </p> <h2> Ruthless Cuny Essay Samples Strategies Exploited </h2> <p>If you're enlisted effectively, simply sign into the investigation program on the web. Also, our English-talking authors ensure each request has unique substance and an appropriate structure. It's conceivable to get free exploration paper themes from various sources, for instance, looking on databases posting prospects. Beginning with article composing is an amazi ngly clear, smoothed out methodology. </p> <h2>Using Cuny Essay Samples </h2> <p>Employers need to discover who they are probably going to work with. So as an approach to get a little alleviation from this abundance trouble, it is important that understudies get their papers composed by online experts. Along these lines, while composing a successful resume, you ought to support your capacities and capacities to offer the best types of assistance, so the business would find that it's easy to relate your profile to the given position. </p> <p>Our organization furnishes you with an eminent opportunity to purchase commendable papers in no time flat. Unfavorable conveyance It's for the most part denoted that these administrations are hard to endless supply of their less than ideal transportation. Drawbacks of choosing a reasonable paper administration Quality If you're picking less expensive assistance, remember that it probably won't be sufficient. Inside this respect, online administrations are appropriate in light of the fact that they may give elegantly composed articles at truly sensible rates. </p>

Monday, July 6, 2020

Executive Function ADD/ADHD - Part I

(Part one of this two-part series examines the relationship between executive functioning issues and ADD or ADHD.) ADD, ADHD, EFD, IEP. If you are encountering all these acronyms for the first time, you might feel as if you are wading in alphabet soup. How are these terms related? First, let’s do a little decoding. ADD – Attention Deficit Disorder According to Additude: Inside the ADHD Mind: â€Å"Symptoms include forgetfulness and poor focus, organization, and listening skills.† ADHD - Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Children with this disorder typically display much higher energy levels than those formerly diagnosed with ADD. ADHD is becoming a far more common diagnosis. EFD – Executive Function Disorder (also referred to as Executive Functioning Issues) EFD can manifest as difficulty with structure, planning, or scheduling. IEP – Individualized Education Program. This is a legal document which details what educational services your child is entitled to at his or her school. Part of setting up an individualized program usually involves assigning a team to work with your family. Let’s delve a little deeper. The line between EFD and ADD/ADHD can be hard to see. The two often appear together. Janice Rodden, in her article â€Å"What is Executive Function Disorder?†, observes, â€Å"Attention deficit disorder (ADHD or ADD) and executive functions are tightly linked, but far from synonymous.† A child who is diagnosed with ADD or ADHD frequently needs help with executive functioning skills. However, a student with executive functioning issues may not have ADD or ADHD. There are at least two major differences between ADD/ADHD and EFD. There is no medical diagnosis for EFD (as there is for ADD and ADHD). According to the team at Understood: for Learning and Attention Issues, â€Å"ADHD is an official diagnosis. Executive functioning issues is not. It’s a term that refers to weaknesses in the brain’s self-management system.† While medication is an option for ADD/ADHD, Understood states that â€Å"there are no medications just for executive functioning issues.† When it comes to symptoms, things get a little more complex. Certain behaviors are symptomatic of EFD, ADD, or ADHD. Some of these behaviors are unique to one disorder; some are shared. As a parent, you can pass your everyday observations on to your child’s doctor, psychologist, or educators. Below are examples of symptoms common to all three disorders. Trouble starting or completing projects. It’s the night before an oral presentation is due. Brendan has known about the assignment for a week, but he has not researched the topic or written a speech. He has been home from school since 3:30. In that time, he has played a video game, retaped a fallen poster, eaten dinner, found a previously lost textbook, and finished an overdue worksheet. Finally, at 9:00, he sighs, goes to the computer, and clicks on the link that gives him instructions on creating the presentation. Trouble with self-control or emotions. Brendan loves video games and is quite good at them. However, when he cannot beat an opponent, he often yells loudly. Once the neighbors called the police because they were convinced someone was hurt! Trouble with organizing space or materials. Every week, Brendan empties a wrinkled mass of paper out of his backpack onto his desk. The pile is growing, and papers constantly fall to the floor. In addition to the paper mountain, the desk holds two old phones, unwashed cups, and notebooks of tips for an online game Brendan plays with his friends. Brendan can no longer find space on the desk to work, so he studies at the kitchen table. What can you do if you think your child needs help? Here are some suggestions: Don’t rush to label. A parent’s job, if a student is struggling, is to avoid jumping to conclusions or â€Å"pigeonholing.† The student could suffer from either, both, or neither of the disorders discussed here. Girls and boys, for example, can differ in the way they exhibit symptoms, and of course each child is unique. Educate yourself. Get as much information as you can. Investigate some of the links in this article! However, remember that no website, article, or well-meaning friend can diagnose or treat your child. Diagnoses should always be left to qualified professionals. Which leads us to†¦. Consult the experts. Be proactive. Talk to medical, psychological, and educational professionals. Take notes and ask questions. If you receive information you don’t understand, ask for clarification. Get second opinions. All this is a lot of work, but it ensures that your child gets as much support as you can possibly give. At A+ Test Prep and Tutoring, our focus is always on you. We have an excellent team of tutors who can help your student with standardized testing, executive function skills, or achievemenin any other school subject. If you would like more information, our Client Service Directors Anne Stanley and Susan Ware are available to answer questions and provide solutions. You may reach either of them by calling A+ Test Prep and Tutoring at 215-886-9188. (Part two of this series will look in more detail at some of the characteristics of Executive Function Disorder.)